Bar'chu (Kippah Groovin') - Acoustic cover from "Peace & Mercy" album
Mi Chamochah (Debbie Friedman) - Monthly TABI Shabbat Rocks service

Josh Riedford, who finds himself most comfortable behind the keyboard, first started playing music at Temple Adath B'nai Israel in college as part of the monthly Shabbat Rocks band. He has been a part of the many iterations of the band over the years, but working with Rabbi Gary Mazo has really taken things up a notch.
Josh worked for several years as the music director and teacher at TABI before moving away from Evansville. He now spends his time between Boston and Los Angeles working as a film producer and freelance musician.

Tim Gold is a student at the University of Southern Indiana pursuing a degree in Psychology. He has been playing drums since he was ten years old, taking part in his high school marching band and drum line. In addition to being the drummer for Kippah Groovin, Tim also plays drumset, percussion, and piano in a secular rock band.
In Tim's free time, he enjoys writing music and learning new instruments, including ukulele and guitar, and has dabbled in singing. He is looking forward to continually creating dynamic new music with a great group of guys at Temple Adath B'nai Israel.

Gary Mazo is the Rabbi of Temple Adath B'nai Israel. He's a firm believer that "Music speaks louder than words" and that music is the vehicle to elevate worship to another level. Through his efforts and by working closely with Kippah Groovin, music has become essential to the growth and spiritual development of the congregation.
Rabbi Mazo has been a lifelong piano player and took up the guitar when he turned 40 and then the mandolin when he turned 50. He is nowhere close to a professional musician, but the moments making music with the "boys in the band" are among his most enjoyable things to do at the Temple. He collaborated on several compositions on the "Peace & Mercy" album.
Eric Lund, the lead guitarist in the band, is a music therapist in Bloomington, IN. Before relocating to central Indiana, Eric lived in Evansville and worked as the music director of Temple Adath B'nai Israel.
During his time at TABI, Eric was excited to make meaningful music with amazing and deeply spiritual people. The music he composes is a reflection of the love and kindness he experienced while in that beautiful community. He is always looking for opportunities to make music with the guys in the band and with the Jewish community at large.

Aaron Riedford, the bassist for Kippah Groovin, is a musician and composer originally from Evansville, IN. He studied piano with Garnet Ungar at the University of Evansville where, in addition to Beethoven and Brahms, he also gained deep affinity for gospel style improvisation while accompanying a local gospel choir.
After his undergraduate work, he began songwriting and playing with the rock band The Darwin Initiative. Presently, he teaches music history at Indiana University, where he is completing his PhD in musicology. He is also the current music director at TABI.

David Riedford is a classically trained violinist who initially began exploring other styles while studying music in college. He started developing his music improvisational skills through involvement with Christian praise bands, an acoustic folk/pop band, and the Shabbat Rocks house band at Temple Adath B'nai Israel.
He continues to write, arrange, and perform his own music on guitar, piano, and electric bass. In his free time, he studies medicine at Indiana University.

EMAIL | KippahGroovinBand@gmail.com
FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/KippahGroovin
YOUTUBE | bit.ly/KippahGroovinYouTube
SOUNDCLOUD | https://soundcloud.com/user-133791643